
All about the use of cookies by websites using the Animato system.

What are cookies

A cookie is a small piece of data stored by a website on a visitor's computer browser. It is a technical device that can contain any note or information that has a function. Thanks to cookies, for example, an e-shop remembers which products you added to your basket during a previous visit, what website settings you have configured (without logging in) or data from an unsent order form containing your address, name or email.

It is therefore a technical tool that can contain any information for any purpose that a website has stored in a cookie. It may therefore contain personal data, both in unprotected (readable) and encrypted form.


At present, it is necessary to take into account in particular Section 89(3) of Act No. 127/2005 Coll., on Electronic Communications, which sets out obligations in connection with cookies.

Purpose of using cookies

According to the law, cookies can be divided into the following groups:


1. Essential
Essential cookies enable you to navigate the website and use the basic functions of the website. Without these cookies, the website cannot function. These include, for example:

  • information about page loading speed
  • login identification
  • ID to ensure high availability
  • consent to cookies, and cookie group preferences

These cookies do not collect data for marketing purposes. They are usually not stored permanently on the device or are deleted when the browser is closed.


2. Performance
Used to analyse how the website is used and improve the user experience. Typically, this involves recording the number of visitors, identifying the source of the visit and other web analytics measurements.

This also includes, for example, the systems:

  • Google Analytics
  • Smartsupp
  • Google Optimize

This type of cookie collects anonymous information and is not used to target advertising.


3. Functional
Used to personalise content by remembering the website visitor's login details. Typically, these include:

  • Selected font size, product order etc.
  • Acceptance of conditions or reservations

Functional cookies typically stay in the browser longer, until they expire or are deleted.


4. Targeted and advertising
Used to display targeted advertising on and off the website. Typically, for example:

  • Google Adwords
  • Seznam Sklik
  • Facebook audience

This type of cookie may record detailed information about the browsing experience on the website, as well as information about the identity of the visitor, in order to display the most relevant advertisements for a particular visitor. It is also used to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising and the  remarketing. They can also be used to limit the frequency of advertisement displays.

Disabling these cookies will result in less relevant ads being displayed.


External systems and third-party cookies

Control over third-party cookies (i.e. from external tools) is hampered by the fact that the insertion of an external system into a website may result in the insertion of additional cookies by the external system itself. For example, embedding a YouTube video on a website automatically adds cookies for Google Analytics and possibly other marketing tools - over which the website has no effective control.

Disabling third-party cookies in the browser

Cookie settings for common browsers:

All modern browsers allow you to disable the use of third-party cookies in their settings, either universally for all websites or selectively for a specific website.